xx feed me diamonds xx

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United States
extremely passionate. an insomniac. intelligent and inquisitive. nostalgic. wanderlust addict. creative. outspoken. a new aunt to baby jude.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Happenings around the office

No matter how gloomy the weather, or my attitude, may be, when greeted warmly by the classy Louisville legend, Diane Sawyer I feel empowered. I wish her a good morning and let slip a little smile to myself.


There is a "Cutest Pet Competition" at work and I entered Scarlett as a contestant. This is her 15 minutes of fame, even if she doesn't win!

There are a total of 34 pets in the competition. All are dogs and cats, with the exception of the one pet horse!


shine on .xx.

Thursday, 30 January 2014


I like to dream about my future, very bohemian-esque apartment. I would turn this playlist up loud in one room and dance around the my place while getting ready for a glamourous night out ..xx..